It's a great listen and it will perhaps solidify your understanding, or at least get you thinking and perhaps hopeful that things can change.
At the end of the show one of the guests highlighted a new series of articles in USA Today entitled Our Toxic Legacy. Lead, mercury, and plastics are covered in detail. A trifecta of chemical nasties. As Borat might say, "Good times..............................NOT."
Just off the top of my head, my take away is that I will be investing in some old school glass storage containers. Just add this to my ever growing to do list.
The learning just continues...as does the anxiety!
Walmart has glass storage containers -- 3 two cup containers to a pack -- for about $5. The glass bottoms are made in the U.S. but unfortunately the plastic covers are made in, sorry, China. Don't know about the pyrex brand. I switched to glass containers for food storage --- especially for foods that have tomato sauce in them. I read something about the acidity in the tomato sauce can more easily break down the chemicals in the plastic containers. Anyway.. the downside is breakage. I've dropped a few and then there is the risk that a little or big person will get a glass sliver. So it goes with many of these things, no matter what choice you make, there are downsides and risks! I guess we all have to do our best! Thank you Eco Reading for pushing us on!
Thanks for the information and the confidence booster! I really just want to help and get some answers myself!
Good to know that folks can get some made in the USA products (or at least partically-made:). Yes, for sure, glass breakage is the downside. I know I have broken more glass and ceramic items in this house due to the very stylish, but will-break-anything granite countertops.
I am thinking of popping into Crate and Barrel Outlet in Woburn. I remember seeing the old school style glass storage with glass tops. Hopefully they will not be M.I.C.
Thanks again!
Hi there,
I know this has nothing to do with your latest post, but I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity for organic produce this summer which you might not know about. I'm also hoping that you'll like it and plug it on your blog! The organization is called Heaven Harvest Farm and they are a Community Sponsored Agriculture scheme producing organic produce here in Massachusetts. They are looking to expand into our area and are asking for people to buy "shares" in the farm. For $550 + $50 delivery fee (full share which equals a weekly delivery to Reading of a bushel-sized box) you are guaranteed 15 weeks of veggies, starting in around mid-June. They need a few more folks to make this work (I think 5-7 more shares). We have done this with a farm in Waltham and it is wonderful! Please spread the word!
Annemarie Cory
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