Friday, September 21, 2007

Caught Between the Freegan and Material Worlds

My grandfather used to say that you could live for free in America, all you would have to do is live on other people's trash. Well who knew that what he believed in and partially lived by would be growing trend and actually have a name? Folks who live this principle of trash picking full time are now called "freegans". Now, my family had limits, as they did not get food stuff out of the trash, but everything else was up for grabs. It really was quite acceptable to pull over to the side of the road when someones trash looked interesting and help yourself to the booty. As a child most of the time I was horrified by this. It was the 70's and consumption was just starting to really get going and would be in full swing by my formative adult years of the 1980's. I wanted to be a material girl, and I rejected the standards of my family.

I really judged my family and thought that their ideas were outdated and really not with the times. I understood where their compulsion started; to grab what you could when you could find it for free. It is what you do when society breaks down for real...wartime Europe in the 30's and 40's. I understood that there was no messing around in order to survive. But that was then, this is now right? So I shopped until I dropped and rang up my credit cards.(FYI most of my family does not have credit cards because they too do not believe in debt..another story)

So I found myself broke, in debt and living in Baltimore. Little did I know that this was one great freegan town. So in order to get myself free of my excess and pay off my debts I once again embraced the freegan life that was in my genes and started on my path to becoming thrifty. I could garbage pick with the best of them, and would not hesitate to drag home an outdoor furniture set found in an ally in a skirt. Oh, by the way I still have it. Most of my apartment was furnished with found items that came from my grandfathers garage....a bastion of stored freegan claims. I think one piece is actually a fine antique and worth some money! Rummaging through thrift stores was entertainment and a social must if you were to claim any bit of hipster status. Competition was fierce and if you held a garage sale, you would literally sell out of everything, that is if the price was right. It really was an underground economy.

So what does this have to do with our lives now? I know that most of us are not single hipster artists looking to buck the system, but who are we exactly? Our we just blind consumers just gaining more and more objects, getting in more and more debt, or are we and can we be more than that? When was being called thrifty such a negative word? The concept of thrift is as old as civilization and it was Confusius who said, "He who does not economize will have to agonize." The corporations who sell us products we don't need are not thinking of our long-term health as a society, they are looking at short term profits. So let's take back the word. Let's make the word thrift and thrifty the in thing to do and to be.

First, many of you are already thinking and acting thrifty in order for one parent to stay at home with the children. You know that hand-me-downs are a prize and yard sales can be a dream. For a great resource for local garage sales and items for sale check out craigslist . There are special sections you can search under for what you need like garage sales and farm/garden and even items for FREE! I recently bought my new patio set using craigslist and we are completely thrilled with it. It even has solar lights and it was a bargain. I also have used this site to plot my itinerary for yardsales where I have focused on finding trains (Thomas and the like) for my son. At one sale I hit the jackpot of an entire collection of Thomas Trains and structures for and obscenely low price. This bounty saw our son through 4 gifting occasions! He is none the wiser. Of course, we had to go back and check to make sure they were not the recalled items at the CPSC site, but thankfully all was well.

For more of the freegan approach, check out freecycle Woburn . Folks offer up all items for free!

Before you even think of getting rid of something you own as garbage perhaps take a few seconds to ask yourself....can this be repaired or can someone else use this? Most of the time the answer will be a resounding yes! Donate items to the Mission of Deeds, 6 Chapin St. in Reading (781)944-7697, or to the Salvation Army in Wilmington, 625 Main St. (978) 988-9488. The Salvation Army has a drop off center around the back and both will give your a receipt for your taxes. Those deductions really do add up and you are doing the right thing.

Here is another idea....get shoes repaired instead of getting rid of them. There is a new show repair in town, Larry the Village Cobbler, 108 Eaton St. 1-978-664-4410. I took him a pair of special sandals that I bought in Italy for repair and he did a wonderful job. Next time you are out at a gathering in Reading let's ask each other, "Are those old shoes? How nicely resoled they are.:)"

I know we are not all gifted with the ability to repair many items, but perhaps we can learn to sew, do simple carpentry or plumbing by simply taking to each other. My husband repaired out leaky shower by talking with my neighbor who was willing to come over and take a look. We all have secret special skills that really need to be shared. Perhaps taking an adult education course to brush up on needed skills would be most satisfying to yourself and really a green thing to do. Maybe Reading Recreation Department could offer more basic skill classes..hint, hint.

Make no mistake, I still love a Target run now and then, but it is not the same as I once was. Now I limit my purchases 2 ways. First, was it made in China? Second, do I have enough cash with me? We have decided to stop using all credit cards and see what would happen if we went on a cash only basis. Well, the end result is we spend less money. Before, if we wanted an impulse buy, we did it. Even though we paid off the card every month, something really does click when you are cash and carry. It becomes more precious. So for us, we are more green by using our green.... that is when we are not raiding your trash. :)

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